Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Selection, pricing and layout is only as good as the number of people that come by to shop at your garage sale. To attract customers, you must get the word out. One sign at the top of your street will not bring in the folks who will do a lot of buying.

Proper sign design takes some time, so don't leave it for the morning of the sale. You should only be placing them around that day. Do your signs in the evenings leading up to the sale. It will be a busy week tagging items, setting up the tables, putting merchandise on them, and sign-making, but it will be worth the time and effort.


How do you know if you did well at your garage sale? Good records are a sure bet to value your efforts. Simply listing inventory, expenses and revenue will paint a picture of your financial success. This would also be critical if you are selling other people's merchandise in addition to your own. You'll have to track it separately. Label the price tags with different colors or other codes like prefixes (N- 25 cents) to properly identify the articles that belong to the various sellers.

The Sale

You're ready. You've made your selections, priced your goods, made your signs, advertised and the big day has arrived. Hopefully, you'll get a good day, weather-wise. Everything is on the prescribed tables. The layout is well thought out and designed to attract viewers-- and buyers!

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