Wednesday, April 16, 2008


You've been everywhere and made your entire list. Now it's a question of preparing these goods for the sale.

Organization! Organization! Organization!

This is your key to a successful set-up for your garage sale. Items that are thrown together on a table aren't going to be as attractive to customers as those that are diligently laid out in a certain order.

Selection and Pricing

What items can be sold at the garage sale? Well… just about anything you can think of will be a candidate. Here's a list if you want to keep it to check against what you have. This list is certainly not complete, but should cover most of the items you might have.

Dining table Car parts Air conditioner Ice skates

Well, it's a start. You'll think of others as you look around; like that mirror or those bookends. Everyone's list is different and you may have items of great value that don't mean that much to you. Maybe it's an original work of art you can't stand or a 1928 edition of Oliver Twist that you've never read. Good items! If you're truly not going to use them, let someone else enjoy them!

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